Thursday 22 September 2016

Contextual Studies: Texts, Contexts and Culture

(Thursday 22nd September)

In an introduction to our contextual studies, Louis outlined our work for term 1 and set us our presentation task (due on the 10th/17th of November). We will soon be focusing on the key areas of moving image analysis:
  •          Mise en scene – The arrangement of the contents of a frame, including lighting, props, setting and costume.
  •          Cinematography – The use of photography and camerawork within film-making.
  •          Editing – How the selective shots are put together within post-production, and the effect this has on the final film.
  •          Sound – The impact of audio within the film, whether this be dialogue, diegetic/non-diegetic sound, music or sound effects.
  •          Documentary – A non-fictional film prepared primarily for the purpose of education and instruction.

We also had a brief discussion about the origin of cinema:

And how this has been developed and documented over time into a digital age.

Contextual Research
"The Shock Of the New"  - BBC Documentary (1980)

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