Thursday 20 October 2016

Contextual Studies: Sound

(Thursday 20th November)

“When words fail, music speaks.”
Hans Christian Andersen

Sound is a vital tool in all moving image story-telling, functioning to provide the audience with:
  • An aural narrative (dialogue, voicerover)
  • Ambience (mood, atmosphere, sfx)
  • Emotional or intellectual resonance (music, soundtrack)

These uses of sound can be broken into categories of diegetic (can be heard by characters within the scene), or non-diegetic (cannot be heard). As seen in this clip, for example:

·         Diegetic sfx of alarms, phone, smashing glass – heighten drama, affecting the audience’s perception of the scene
·         Non-diegetic soundtrack (except in scenes with Moriarty) is used externally to its source,  connecting the scenes and enhancing the action by  creating a sting with the on-screen action
·         Ambience of road / city sounds - completes a realistic scene, simulating reality
·         Dialogue between characters / scenes is extended across locations, showing the scale of the problem and the power of the culprit

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