Wednesday 26 October 2016

Story-Telling Unit: Script Surgery

(Monday 24th October)

Following my script tutorial with Simon, I have made the following changes to my script and story:
  •  Deleted any unnecessary detail in stage directions – i.e. only write about what you can picture in your frame, not what you want the audience to think / assume (more concise, saves room for extra material within the 10 pages.

    Weighty paragraph with unnecessary information, the audience can be left
    to work out what she is assuming.
Cut down considerably, less to be confused with, more straight to the point.

  •    The ending – although my previous ending finished on a cliff-hanger, it seemed to be underwhelming. Instead of this quick and simple ending, I now have more of a twist as it is revealed that the body isn’t actually a corpse. All 3 characters walk away unharmed, making the story more about my main characters and leaving them both in a sense of dark irony.

Old End
New End

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