Tuesday 22 November 2016

Story-Telling Unit: First Cut & Logo

(Tuesday 22nd October)

North To South Logo
My first edit was a rough cut together of my first scene, of what I managed to get filmed on Monday. The plan was to have an entire rough cut by now, but the weather on my first shoot day proved formidable - lesson learned, always check that a hurricane won't hit during a shoot. However, my edit is on track and coming together well, despite the still shaky opening shot. I had thought I might re-film this on Wednesday, but I actually think I might keep it in because 1) it adds a sense of aesthetic grit, and 2) quite honestly I don't have enough time to think about a way to get it perfect. There is clearly a long way to go, including adding colour correction (the footage is pretty dark), but I have a strong starting point.

Another thing I have worked on is the development of my group's logo, a production company we have named North To South Productions. Though not strictly necessary, it adds a nice touch to all of our films.

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