Sunday, 20 November 2016

Story-Telling Unit: Sound Design

Saturday 19th November

Notation of First Draft

Due to a number of set-backs regarding locations and actors, my shooting schedule has been pushed back a week. Although ideally I would focus on sound design during my editing process, I have decided to start this now – brainstorming soundtrack ideas in order to discover what would set a correct atmosphere for my project.

I have decided to include a soundtrack in my film because I enjoy composing my own music, but I also feel as though this would compliment my work as a whole as sound is an effective tool in establishing tone and adding emotion to moving image. To research this, I have looked into other short films and the way they use non-diegetic soundtracks. 

For example:

The music in this scene heightens a sense of despair in Carvel, highlighting how he is 
suffering with the dilemma he has been put in. This is demonstrated by the fragmented structure,
dissonant chords and whispering sfx used in the music itself - depicting his emotional 
and mental turmoil perfectly.

Not meant to be noticeable, the soundtrack of this scene foreshadows a 
change of tone in the series' events. Despite his story being checked, the music uses
imperfect cadances to set the audience at unease - implying that not all is as simple
as meets the eye.

Using my research for guidance, I have created 2 rough models of my soundtrack and its main motif:

Though these are extremely rough and will no doubt be altered during my editing process, I feel that I have decided upon the tone of my piece, and how I intend to heighten this through my music soundtrack.

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